IG Toolkit Consultancy
The NHS Information Governance (IG) Toolkit enables NHS suppliers and partners to assess themselves against the Department of Health’s information governance policies and standards.
Produced by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), the IG Toolkit ensures that the integrity and confidentiality of patient data is protected, and enables organisations to supply NHS clients and connect to the N3 network.
IT Governance has a decade’s experience helping clients comply with information security and governance requirements. Our consultants have the expertise to provide assistance to all organisations involved in the NHS, including:
General suppliers to the NHS.
Commercial Third Parties.
Business Partners.
Our consultancy team offers a broad range of services that are tailored to meet your exact needs, including an Information Governance Toolkit Health Check, and assistance with training and auditing, through to the full application and IG Toolkit submission made on your behalf.
IG Toolkit consultancy services
IG Toolkit FastTrack™
The fixed-price IG Toolkit FastTrack consultancy service has been designed for Business Partners and Commercial Third Parties with fewer than 20 employees and a single office location. For larger organisations, please contact us for a quote.
Click here for more information on the IG Toolkit FastTrack service >>
IG Toolkit Health Check
The fixed-price IG Toolkit Health Check is a two-day, on-site assessment service that includes an assessment of your current policies, procedures, practices and information governance regime against the requirements of the latest version of the IG Toolkit. Following this assessment, our expert consultants will provide you with a detailed report explaining where your shortcomings lie and an outline of the recommended actions you should take.
Click here for more information on the IG Toolkit Health Check >>
IG Toolkit Managed Service
Achieve ongoing compliance with the latest version of the Information Governance Toolkit with this annual support package for FastTrackTM clients. Our expert consultants will conduct the necessary assessments, update your documentation in line with the latest version of the IG Toolkit, and submit your annual IG SoC to the HSCIC.
Click here for more information on the IG Toolkit Managed Service >>
We can help you comply, whatever your requirements
Our consultancy service speeds up the process of satisfying IG Toolkit requirements, helping you to answer the questions and gather the evidence you need to demonstrate conformity.
Ensure ongoing compliance with our annual IG Toolkit maintenance plan
To ensure continuing compliance with the IG Toolkit, we are able to provide ongoing support in three ways:
IG Toolkit maintenance, which will advise on corrective and preventive actions, document updates and risk reviews.
Our internal auditing service will assess that the plans you have put in place are working as expected and, where necessary, advise on how they can be improved.
Ongoing legal advice, support and assistance.
How to engage us
For more information, or to speak to a member of our team about how IT Governance can help your project, email servicecentre@itgovernance.co.uk or call +44 (0)845 070 1750.
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