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EN 16001 Energy Management Systems  

EN16001 helps organisations develop an energy policy with objectives, taking into account statutory, legal and other requirements. It helps organisations understand their key energy aspects and defines action plans to help reduce the output of energy.

On this page:

  • About EN16001
  • Implementing EN16001
  • Benefits of EN16001
  • Useful Links

About EN16001

Efficient use of energy and its subsequent management presents a real test for many organisations. More and more organisations are being challenged and selected not only on the basis of the products and services they provide, but also on how they produce and deliver them in an environmentally friendly manner. Efficient management of energy usage is one means of demonstrating good environmental stewardship.

The EN 16001 standard assists organisations in demonstrating efficient energy management. Certification to this standard makes this statement about your organisation to all stakeholders:  you are demonstrating your commitment to improved energy performance.

Implementing EN16001

Energy management is a complex field encompassing technical, behavioural and strategic functions. Implementing EN 16001 will help organisations understand these complex variables in a systematic way, giving them a greater degree of control.

The main elements of an EN16001 Management System are:-

  • Defining an energy policy
  • Planning an energy management system
  • Implementation and operation of an energy management system
  • Checking and measuring performance of the energy management system
  • Management review and actions to improve

Benefits of EN16001

Having an EN16001 Energy Management System will enable any organisation to:-

  1. Improve energy use performance in a systematic way;
  2. Establish an energy management system;
  3. Ensure energy management conforms with stated policy;
  4. Demonstrate to stakeholders and others the organisation’s commitment to energy use improvement;
  5. Allow certification of the energy management system by an accredited third party.

If you are seeking more detailed knowledge on this management system standard, then get in touch with us and we can arrange for one of our consultants to get in touch with you.

An EN16001 Energy Management system will ensure efficient management of energy and potentially savings (in cost and time) for the organisation. This will be clearly demonstrable to all stakeholders and clients.

EN16001 benefits organisations of any size, operating in any sector, irrespective of geographical location. It is applicable to those activities under control of the organisation, which can either be standalone or integrated into other management systems.

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